In  last few weeks, we have come across stories of several Cyborgs. This week I am gonna speak about one such cyborg who overcomes his limit in a mesmerizing way. Let's start then..
        The name of the cyborg is Jens Naumann. He is now CEO of Green-first Technologies.Inc and an author of the book Search for Paradise in which he narrates his own life story. 
This is his pic๐Ÿ‘‡
Jens Nuamann
This is his twitter account ๐Ÿ‘‰
Now lets begin with his story..
Jens Naumann joined as an employee at Britain Columbia Railway at a young age of 17. Everything seemed good but fate has its say always. One day, a chunk of metal struck his left eye when he was working on railway lines. He lost his left eye. But  didn't end there. A few years later, he lost his right eye too, when a metal piece struck his right eye from snow mobile clutch. His life was then filled with darkness [Life is more horrible for the people with good eye sight going blind compared to those who are born blind because the former knows how the world looks with light]. He went to rehabilitation centre for blindness to adjust to the new normal in his life. But deep inside, he wanted to see the world again in its colors. A few years passed in the darkness for him. Then, one of his friend suggested about "Dr.Wiliam H Dobelle"   who was working on creating artificial vision system for blinds. Dr. Dobelle decided to conduct his experiment on people who volunteer to be its part. Jens, though there were million of blind people around the world, was desperate to get his vision back. So he decided to take a risk and applied for being the volunteer for the experiment. Fortunately, he was selected among the applicants. But the procedure was the most expensive one. Jens overcame all those barriers too. 
The technology involved the protrusions of several electrodes into his brain which is connected to an computer and a stimulator hardware. The electrodes grasp the vision through sensors, sends them to computer and the computer sends appropriate signal to the stimulator which stimulates the vision in brain. This is "Artificial Vision". 
    We even read about Neil Harbisson who underwent a similar surgery, But he was able to sense colors through sound. Unlike Neil and other cyborgs who got devices implanted to assist their vision [ image is sensed in the form of other senses like sound/ touch in them ] , Jens could actually see the things the way they are with his artificial vision. Jens Naumann became the world's first person to get an artificial vision system.
    Look at his profile, he has never held himself after that. He has become CEO of a company and has accomplished many more things. He has built windmill and even solar plants on his own to light his farm house. To look at what he has done, check this๐Ÿ‘‰

    These are the stories of some of the Cyborgs I wanted to share. May be more stories about more cyborgs in some day in the future. I felt each of their story was different from one another. Hence, I shared. There are many more cyborgs out there with their own stories. I don't wanna bore you with some more stories now]. Where can you find the most cyborgs? you know? It is comics and science fiction movies. You can now relate, can't you? I will be writing [typing actually, but writing sounds pleasant ] more about the association for Cyborgs and the laws and rights of Cyborgs in the coming weeks...then we will switch back to technological aspects of 6G communication [ the actual theme of the page]
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